Freedom from Conflict; Instill Hope and Peace
Christian Conflict Coaching, Christian Mediation, Inner Healing Prayer, Circuit Civil Mediation
My mission is to instill HOPE into every conflict in your life, through God's word which heals, dialogue or discussion, and prayer. "Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12.
Enlist God's help in resolving your conflict through conflict coaching and/or mediation. Conflict coaching can be with just one person involved in the conflict. Mediation is with all parties to the conflict. Contact me for more information about Christian Conflict Coaching and Christian Mediation at:
info@susan fischer.org or use the "Contact Me" button below.
Inner Healing Prayer appointments are available. Heal unhealed hurts, unresolved issues and unmet needs through the help of the Holy Spirit. Contact me for more information: info@susanfischer.org, or use the "Contact Me" button below.
"Ask and it will be given to you..." Matthew 7:7